Welcome to Equicklearning.com
Hello, Friends, I’m Anuj Dwivedi. I’m Studying Computer Science & Engineering Course. My age of 20 years. I belong to district Pratapgarh, Uttar Pradesh in India. I’m starting blogging in Dec 2019.
I’m Share Basic and Professional Knowledge of Computer Science & Technology Related information. People and Student who are a beginner in Computer Technology they can follow my website Step by Step I always help him.
I also support to learn Computer Languages as-JAVA, Basic C, C++, etc. and also Markup language as- HTML, CSS, JS, JQUERY, and Bootstrap for development of any website.
You All Can follow and subscribe to me on any social media. I have written and developed this site so that students can easily learn techniques related to computer science. I am committed to providing easy information on various technologies. I hope this helps you a lot.
The Aim of this website is that information can be shared in the best Hindi and English and be accessible to the people, who want to read Computer & Technology related information in Hindi and English.
This website will be very helpful for every people. Here we will give information about the Internet from Basic to Advance. You will learn something new on this website every day.
If you have any questions related to technology and want an answer, then you can comment and ask me. And you can follow me on social media.
मैंने इस site को लिखा और develop किया है ताकि students computer science
से संबंधित तकनीकों को आसानी से सीख सकें। मैं विभिन्न तकनीकों पर आसान information प्रदान करने के
लिए committed हूं। मुझे उम्मीद है कि यह आपकी बहुत मदद करेगा। – Anuj Dwivedi