In this Post you know the Difference Between C and Java and also know about the Introduction of C and JAVA.
What is C Introduction
C Introduction:- C is a middle-level language. It was developed by Dennis Ritchie. It has the simplicity of a high-level language as well as the power of a low-level language.
This aspect of C makes it suitable for writing both application programs and system software. Thus it is an excellent, efficient, and general-purpose language for most the applications such as mathematical, scientific, business and system software applications.
What is Java Introduction
Java Introduction:- Java is a class-based high-level object-oriented programming language. It is invented by James Gosling and Sun microsystems in 1991. Ha had a single motto while creating the language, it was “Write Once, Run Anywhere”.
This means that the code would have to be written only once, but it could be used anywhere. They named this language “Oak” because of the Oaktree Gosling’s office. Later, it was named to “Green”
Java is a high-level programming language that is easy to learn and understand. Java is popularly used in used in console, graphical user interface and the mobile applications, web, game development and also make embedded systems.
Difference between C and Java
- C developed by Dennis M Ritchie in 1970’s.
- It is procedural programming language
- It break down to function
- It follows Top down approach compiled language
- It is compiled language
- It supports preproccessor
- It is user based memory management
- It supports pointers but not References
- It is platform dependent
- It’s not support thread
- It’s variable declaration at the beginning of block
- In C, file is saved with extension is .c
- By default memebers are public
- C supports call by value and call by reference
- C supports header file has .h extension
- C does not support namespaces
- C uses functions like malloc(), calloc(), realloc(), free()
- Java is developed by James Gosling in 1990’s
- It is an object-oriented programming language
- It breaks down into the object
- It follows a bottom-up approach
- It is compiled and interpreted language
- It does not support preprocessor
- It internally manages the memory
- Java supports only References, not pointers
- It platform-independent .java byte code runs on any platform
- It support thread
- It variable declaration is anywhere
- In java, the file is saved with extension .java
- By default members are private
- Java supports only call by value
- Java does not support header file
- Java packages are namespaces
- In java memory management is the process of allocation and deallocation of objects. Java tests memory management automatically using an automatic memory management system called Garbage collector
Final word
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